2022 Impact
by Unseen Partners
692% ROI = ($5,822,439 attributed revenue in 2022 - $735,059 Unseen's 2022 expenses) ÷ $735,059 Unseen's 2022 expenses
Unseen's Annual Reports

Unseen Partner Testimonials


Custom Product

Working with Unseen is often that wonderful "teach a man to fish" phenomenon—not only do you identify for us the things that need to be changed, you also help us understand why those changes are beneficial to us. This was a long-overdue project to revamp our welcome funnel, and your commitment to helping us out however we needed was evident with this one.
Scott Hatfield, 9/7/2023



The design and layout of the brochure is exceptional. The topics flow seamlessly throughout the brochure and it's easy to navigate and read. The colors and fonts add clarity and uniformity. The photos are excellent. It's always a pleasure and joy to work with the Unseen team. I appreciate their expertise and collegiality in building stellar products for Paladin.
Jon Proctor, 8/26/2023



Unseen was patient (and relentless!) in your pursuit of concise, descriptive language for our programs. There's a Mark Twain quote: "I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long one." That, in essence, sums up our struggles. It’s helpful to have a partner who tightens things up. Unseen does a great job at gently boiling our message down to its core, keeping the essentials.
Scott Hatfield, 8/14/2023